September 2022

Nicky Hunter

This month’s speaker and demonstrator was Nicky Hunter, who gave a demo on Flowers in Watercolour. She began with a prepared rough drawing of some irises, then she covered the whole sheet with water to begin her work. While it was drying a little she explained how she used a limited palette to complete her work. She used large brushes to do this part of her work and very watery translucent paints. Nicky then watered the area of paper surrounding the flowers and proceeded to put a weak wash on the ground behind the flowers. These took shape as she progressed, but the paint needed to dry before she could continue. To enable her to do this the artist thickened the paint and used smaller brushes to get the details into the work. The flowers took shape with details of leaves, shadings of petals and sepals and other small enhancements were made with gouache.

Diane Bell