December 2020

Vic Bearcroft

On 4 December Vic Bearcroft gave us a Zoom demonstration of a pastel drawing of a wolf called Nuka who was photographed howling in a typical view.

Vic told us he had chosen velour paper as it had greater grip for pastels and gave a better texture for the media. He began by plotting the shapes in black and white, starting from dark to light. He stressed the need to choose the direction of light source before starting and also the angle of light. Vic had chosen a low early morning light shining through the trees, which he would put on the left of his picture.

He built up the details in his picture in several layers to give texture and shape to the wolf., but this time he went from dark to light tones. To add the tones of colour in the wolf's fur and the background he added green, gloden brown and Prussian blue.

Again he worked up the background in layers and then worked on the wolf to give his coat warmth and a cool feel.

Vic told us this talk would be put on U-Tube so that we can re-visit it for our own drawings.

Diane Bell